Page name: bubble wrap lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-15 18:20:01
Last author: ZOMBIE x ZOMBIE
Owner: elf_iceprincess
# of watchers: 14
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this is for everyone who loves bubble wrap and thinks its better than therapy * you must love bubble wrap to join*


to add baner just take ** out

MEMBERS to join go to bwl members

1.[Forbidden Truths]
6.[I do believe in faeries I do I do]
7. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for christmas as a presant! It was the actual presant not the wraping of one!
8.[^_^ bubi et ^_^] i love bubble wrap
9.[Clarabell12] I love bubble wrap SO much...... i
10.[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]iluv bubblewrap!!its soooo addiciting!sepcially if ur bored!!lol



11. [Fortune Orange]


13. [Ktcm] *pop* ... *pop pop* ^-^; yey
14. [elwen] its great to annoy people with!!!
15. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for Christmas once! really! it wasnt just the packaging! I got a 6ft long thing of bubble wrap! only because i asked for it though! I was so happy! It entertained me for like 3 hours!
16. [penguin jones] i'm an addict for bubble wrap
17. [Ham] Wrapping stuff in it is such a waste....*plays with it in corner*
18. [The Taste of Ink !] Yay for bubble wrap!! :D
19.[Lucy-Lou] whoooh! jump on it!


21.[psychekiller] yay bubble wrap

22. [Broken_Musician] I LOVE BUBBLE WRAP

23. [My Own Creation] It was my favorite toy as a child...I still ♥ it!!
24. [I_lüv_bubbles] Bubble wrap rules my world

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[Teufelsweib]: it ISN'T apple with peanut butter, THAT'S nice

[Aliz]: barbequed apple with sugar *nods*

[Teufelsweib]: ooooooooh ^~^ that sounds indeed really good! I also heard wance about pickle with wipped cream..

[evil beavle]: ¬_¬ you people are very weird

[Teufelsweib]: that was your mom who talked about pickle with cream!!

[Aliz]: hehe

[Teufelsweib]: and.. grapes with vinegar

[Aliz]: milk with banana and chocolate O_o

[Teufelsweib]: mmmmmmm ^~^ what about ice cream with spinach and pizza

[Aliz]: NO!! don't mess up pizzas with spinach...

[Teufelsweib]: it tastes goooooooood.. what about then spinach with egg rolls?

[Aliz]: NO's yukkie...

[Teufelsweib]: I'm stong to the finach! cause I eats me spinach! I'm popeye the sailooormaaaaaan

[Aliz]: err....*finds shotgun and shoots popeye twentyfour times*


[Aliz]: I shot him 24 times...he's stone dead

[Teufelsweib]: coooooooool O.O

[forestfarie]: Hey every 1!!!!!!!! *hands ever 1 a big roll of bubble wrap*

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: ..thnx....O_o

[Aliz]: hehe

[Piggly_wiggly]: yay! rolls on bubble wrap*

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: rolls on bublewrap?

[Piggly_wiggly]: it pops as you roll and it is great fun

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: iluv poppin it!!!lol

[Piggly_wiggly]: then roll on it

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: ....iluv poppin it....individualy

[Piggly_wiggly]: oh...well that's fun too...but if you roll on it, it sounds like someone is shooting at you

[Teufelsweib]: you have to chew it, that's great

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: CHEW it??

[Aliz]: shooting is fun :D

[Teufelsweib]: yeah, chewing on it, then you surely get all the pops out of it ^^ and yes, shooting IS fun

[Aliz]: I wish I had a flamethrower :(

[Piggly_wiggly]: lol...*rolls on bubble wrap and then bobbles head*

[Aliz]: flame....thrower :(

[Piggly_wiggly]: *hands you flamethrower*

[Aliz]: THANKS :D *happy*

[Teufelsweib]: :O I want one too!!!

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: ew i would never chew bubble wrap.....popping is better,ithink.

[Teufelsweib]: mmmm ^~^ bubblewrap tastes great

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: .......not in my menu,i kno that for sure lol

[Teufelsweib]: aaaah why not? it's a delicatesse

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: not my kinda food....

[Teufelsweib]: bet you never even tasted it

[evil beavle]: I tasted it onces, and the next morning I was still there, so.... not so very bad

[Teufelsweib]: next morning you were still there, but in what condition ;P

[Piggly_wiggly]: lol......

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: no..and i dont think i will ever taste that...

[Teufelsweib]: too bad :(

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: yup to bad huh

[Teufelsweib]: really too bad

[evil beavle]: I was there in the same condition as out schooltimes, soooo.... VERY HAPPY (as the furby says

[Piggly_wiggly]: i don't want to go to school

[Teufelsweib]: nobody wants to go to school, except nerds of course

[Teufelsweib]: and I guess (hope) that there are no nerds here *shifty eyes*

[Didilidoo]: hello

[Aliz]: hey

[Teufelsweib]: O.O

[psychekiller]: ive found a website with virtual bubble wrap you can pop it all day and all night yay

[Teufelsweib]: we had that one here too somewhere.. it rocked ^^

[psychekiller]: yeah i thought so

[Teufelsweib]: good then

[Aliz]: COOL

[psychekiller]: fine

[Teufelsweib]: very fine

[Piggly_wiggly]: i remember that was on or something

[psychekiller]: yes thats where i got it is so handy but ive tried everything so now its kinda boring

[Piggly_wiggly]: lol...i don't really like that isn't really fun

[psychekiller]: i thought it was but now its boring

[Piggly_wiggly]: i'd rather....i don't really know what i'd rather do but isn't my favourite place to so stuff...hmmm...i like Queen

[psychekiller]: *sings "we are the champions"*

[Piggly_wiggly]: *sings I'm Going Slightly Mad"

[psychekiller]: *starts clapping and stamping and sings "we will rock you"*

[Piggly_wiggly]: are those the only songs that you know

[psychekiller]: no my dads got the cd "i want to ride my bicycle" those three are the only names i remember

[Piggly_wiggly]: oh..i LOVE that song! It is sooo cool...then again i like almost every song

[psychekiller]: i think that ones my fave out of the lot

[Piggly_wiggly]: i like...most of them

[psychekiller]: lol ^^

[Piggly_wiggly]: Bohemian Rhapsody rocks my socks

[psychekiller]: i think i know that one

[Piggly_wiggly]: it was the one that was in Wayne's World

[psychekiller]: ive heard of it but ive not heard of Wayne's World

[Piggly_wiggly]:'s this amazingly funny movie with Mike Myers

[Teufelsweib]: hmmm... queen...

[Piggly_wiggly]: oh god...don't tell me you don't really know queen either

[psychekiller]: i love Mike Myers as Austin Powers

[Piggly_wiggly]: i like him in everything...he's so funny

[Aliz]: yo

[psychekiller]: yeah

[Piggly_wiggly]: i'm sooo tired

[Teufelsweib]: I know gueen... they are.....




[Piggly_wiggly]: yupyupyup!!!! but billy idol is real cool too

[Teufelsweib]: yeah.. bit old though don't you think (as if queen isn't old, I know 0_o)

[Piggly_wiggly]: lol...yeah but i think he's still really hot for a 49 year dad is younger and he looks older than billy

[Teufelsweib]: lol mine too.. but therefore he doensn't wear make up stuff that I bet that Billy does

[Piggly_wiggly]: Not really, he was sweaty as hell so it all came off and he was still pretty gorgeouse :P

[Piggly_wiggly]: yuyupyupyup....

[Teufelsweib]: I doubt that..

[Piggly_wiggly]: you doubt what?

[Piggly_wiggly]: he didn't look as hot but he still looked pretty much the same...just...wet...

[Teufelsweib]: ok, I believe you if you say so

[Piggly_wiggly]: lol...damn am i tired

[Teufelsweib]: why that?

[Piggly_wiggly]: i keep going to sleep real late and i wake up late but i'm still really tired...

[Teufelsweib]: go to sleep early

[Piggly_wiggly]: i would but i've been going out like..every night...which i bring upon myself but still...but i have to start soon anyway cuz i'm going to hell (school) next week

[Teufelsweib]: so stop going out, simple like that

[Piggly_wiggly]: yeah...tonight is going to be the last night...

[Teufelsweib]: have fun then

[Piggly_wiggly]: i think i will

[Teufelsweib]: good ^^

[psychekiller]: yeah what are you doing?

[Piggly_wiggly]: i'm going to some concert's some sort of...wierd...thing...i tihnk's it's like a talent show...but my frend is singing there so i want to see them

[Teufelsweib]: understandable

[Piggly_wiggly]: yeah..i got home late again...but tonight! i shall sleep early! whoot

[Teufelsweib]: GOOD! sleep is the thread that knits the ravelled sleave of care ;)

[psychekiller]: ooooh cool

[Piggly_wiggly]: that sounds like something the wise woman of the woods would say

[Teufelsweib]: shakespeare

[Piggly_wiggly]: i saw a shakespeare play a few days ago, it was modernized version of a play that i can't seem to remember the title of

[Teufelsweib]: cool..

[Piggly_wiggly]: oh was much ado about nothing

[Teufelsweib]: mostly great poetic plays are about nothing

[psychekiller]: he he wow when i typed "he he" a whole list of sentences i had already typed came up i start alot of sentences with "he he" i also talk alot

[Aliz]: ok O_o


[Aliz]: muahahaha

[psychekiller]: aaaargh your evil dont kill me god i love saying that youve gotta admit its catchy or not


[psychekiller]: ok well thats ok

[Aliz]: of course

[psychekiller]: yup jenny crack corn and i dont care jenny crack corn and i dont care jenny crack corn and i dont care my massas gone away like my singing

[Aliz]: sure...

[psychekiller]: ignore me if i get too wierd

[Aliz]: you're not weird..

[psychekiller]: *coughs*

[Aliz]: you're not...

[psychekiller]: if you knew me you wouldn't say that but well it cannae be helped

[Aliz]: but I don't think you're weird...

[psychekiller]: yeah ok thats fine if we keep this up well fall out so anyway...........

[Aliz]: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....the dust trees are coming :O

[psychekiller]: aaaaaaaaaaaaargh were all going to die wait is that a bad thing

[Aliz]: no...*shrugs* but they wont kill us

[Teufelsweib]: what's so scary about a couple of dust trees...

[Aliz]: *hides*

[Teufelsweib]: you can blow them away if you're really scared

[Aliz]: no

[Teufelsweib]: why not?

[Aliz]: they wear metal chains...

[Teufelsweib]: stupid dust trees..

[Aliz]: I know :(

[Teufelsweib]: lucky enough they don't live here ^^

[Aliz]: yeah :(

[Teufelsweib]: where have you spotted them then?

[Aliz]: everywhere :S

[Teufelsweib]: even next to you?

[psychekiller]: aaaaaaaaaaargh am i being too paranoid

[Aliz]: *hides*

[psychekiller]: *blinks*

[Teufelsweib]: why are you becoming paranoid?


[psychekiller]: because of variouse reasons but one is people are calling me paranoid

[Teufelsweib]: HIDE ALIZ!!! HIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[psychekiller]: why? why? and whos aliz?

[Aliz]: *hides* it's not the trees this's THEM

[psychekiller]: whos them? aaargh! no-one making sense quick before they get me!

[Teufelsweib]: AAARRGHH!!! IT'S THEM!!!!!!!! *hides*

[Aliz]: it's THEM...everybody knows who THEY are :O

[Teufelsweib]: them.. 0.0

[My Own Creation]: *wishes she had bubbles wrap*

[Piggly_wiggly]: i bought a figurine and i got bubble wrap...tons of it...i was popping it on the subway and i drove people mad! thn i put it on the ground and ran on it making it sound like was priceless

[Teufelsweib]: aaah.. well done

[Piggly_wiggly]: i know *pats self on back and then head bangs to a song*

[My Own Creation]: *claps for [Piggly_wiggly]*

[evil beavle]: cool

[Teufelsweib]: great

[psychekiller]: i can do that too you know............................................................................................sometimes

[Teufelsweib]: ah! I want proof

[Piggly_wiggly]: :D i am skilled in the art of head banging

[Teufelsweib]: it is indeed a gift..

[Piggly_wiggly]: *nods* it so is

[My Own Creation]: yes yes

[evil beavle]: I met somebody and he just...hmmm...went to far with the head banging...he made a fool of himself...normally you don't when you are head banging...but he wads

[evil beavle]: *was

[Piggly_wiggly]: how do you make a fool of yourself?

[evil beavle]: well, you just don't stop head banging when the band is stopped playing

[Piggly_wiggly]: oh...well I do that, because if I stop my head will hurt

[evil beavle]: hmmm, maybe it is better if you just do it sometimes, and not everytime xD

[My Own Creation]: I stop when the band stops, unless I'm moshing/skanking. I was headbanging on Saturday. Whoo!

[RubyRed RagDoll]: Isilwen makes her victorious return!! Anything happend in the 237 days I've been gone?

[evil beavle]: I love it!!!

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